DAVID CAMERON, who believes Margaret Thatcher to be some kind of goddess, can have little concept of the misery and suffering this woman inflicted on the working class, by blighting an entire decade. Words that I associate with her name are arrogance and conceit.

When she was elected in May 1979, unemployment was 1.5 million. In less than three years she doubled it to three million.

Just when it looked like she was heading for certain defeat, along came her saviour the Falklands War.

In 1989, after ten years in office, inflation was rampant and the base bank lending rate had reached 15 per cent with some businesses having to pay up to 19 per cent for a bank loan.

Consequently, many went into liquidation.

Fortunately, her Cabinet eventually turned and ejected Mrs Thatcher from Downing Street.

It is beyond my comprehension how anyone can see her term in power as being successful.

Keith Dewison, Billingham.