WHAT’S all the hullabaloo about the national insurance rise?

Obviously large companies back the Tories but they won’t even feel this with their huge profit margins.

Anyway, I’m happy to pay extra for vital services like hospitals, schools and the police.

I’m sure most people would.

The Tories are putting their short-term political interests before the long-term economic interests of the country. David Cameron would rather score points than secure the recovery.

Not the sign of a good leader.

I remember the Eighties with higher home repossessions, business failures and higher unemployment. Pensioners should think about their cold weather payment, winter fuel allowance, free bus passes, mothers about child tax credit, families about working tax credit. Can you afford to let these go under the Tories? The consequence of a Tory government will be felt in jobs and people’s living standards and young people’s training and job opportunities.

Gordon Brown’s plans averted a great depression. His decisions set us on the road to recovery.

Don’t let the Tories wreck it. The word “change” applies only to their leader.

It’s the same old nasty party.

They might achieve headlines but sadly they won’t achieve recovery.

With a Tory government, don’t rule out a depression.

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