COUNCILLOR Carol Woods, Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidate for Durham City, wrote (HAS, Oct 29): “If elected at the next General Election, regardless of what the rules permit, I will not employ any relatives, and pledge to advertise any jobs that come under my remit and appoint in a fair and transparent way.”

Does this mean she would force MPs to employ someone who may be less experienced and capable than their own husband, wife or some other relative, who may have served their local community for many years, or those family members now employed by MPs were not appointed in a fair and transparent way?

What would her line be for unmarried MPs in a relationship, or MPs subsequently forming a relationship with a staff member?

It appears this rule could force MPs to remain either single, divorce or continue an elicit affair, just to stay within the rules – not really setting a good example for well-balanced family life.

All we need is a proper contract of employment and a means by which those employed by an MP, regardless of relationship, and receiving their salaries from the taxpayer, have working practises and time-sheets monitored, along with any expenses, by an independent body. Anyone breaking this contract could then be dismissed and forced to return any money paid.

Bob Price, Sunderland.

RE your letter from Liberal Democrat councillor Carol Woods, which was critical of Sedgefield Labour MP Phil Wilson’s views over MPs employing family members (HAS, Oct 29).

Unless her ambitions have changed I understand she is attempting to be the MP for Durham City, so I wonder why is she concerning herself with a neighbouring MP? I can only assume it’s because she has no grounds on which to attack the Durham Labour MP, Roberta Blackman-Woods, on expenses.

I know for a fact that as MP, Dr Blackman-Woods has come out well from the expenses’ scandal and that she already advertises all her posts in local papers and on websites because I have seen them myself.

So the people of Durham have nothing to gain whatsoever from voting for a candidate who claims she would do what the current MP is doing already.

I think, from following Dr Blackman-Woods’ activities on her website and in the press, that she is a very hard-working MP who does her best to represent the people of the city and its villages.

Callum Totten, Durham.