IN her letter on the forthcoming Copenhagen Conference on climate change (HAS, Oct 28), Charlotte Bull writes that we are “actually cooling” as though this is remotely relevant.

Given that a variety of factors affect global temperature, any short-term cooling is completely besides the point. It is perfectly possible to experience a period of cooling during a long-term trend toward heating in precisely the same way that we’re in a relatively short recession during a long-term trend toward economic growth.

The only pertinent fact is whether there is a relationship between the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and temperature.

The data suggest that there is.

Furthermore, Ms Bull makes reference to Christopher Monckton as evidence that such a link does not, in fact, exist. His research was published not in a scientific journal, but in The Sunday Telegraph and in the newsletter of the American Physical Society.

All legitimate science is peer-reviewed, therefore his work is not legitimate science.

Nor does he have any formal training in any scientific discipline whatsoever.

Christopher White, Spennymoor, Co Durham.

CHARLOTTE Bull claimed that climate change is a falsehood and suggested that we Google Lord Christopher Monckton (HAS, Oct 28). I have done so and find that he has no scientific training whatsoever.

Why then, should I take the slightest bit of notice of his views, and ignore the respected, checked and double-checked views of the overwhelming majority of scientists in the many related fields of study regarding climate change?

One has only to look him up on Wikipedia to realise he is viewed by many as a right-wing extremist and eccentric, determined that climate change is nothing but a Communist plot, and happy to ignore the evidence when it suits his purpose.

Eric Gendle, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough