SOME people, challenged by an aspect of religious belief/practice they can’t or refuse to understand, stoop to snide, cynical, self-congratulatory wit signifying nothing.

Robert Meggs’ comments on St Therese fit this category (HAS, Sept 27). He disagrees with someone so they must be stupid.

This attitude is not new but is becoming increasingly strident.

If you have faith, you must be daft. Ninety per cent of the world’s population is said to have faith. So their world is daft. Only ten per cent and Mr Meggs are rational.

People revere St Therese as a model of Christian virtue. The remains are respected like a Sunday visit to a graveside, no more, no less. Mr Meggs should read about her life. He would learn much. He may even get to know what he is talking about.

Michael Baldasera, Darlington.