THE Labour Party abandoned socialism; I wonder why certain “socialists” have not abandoned the Labour Party.

The rewriting of Clause IV of the 1918 Labour constitution was when the party renounced old socialist ideas, such as state ownership.

“Common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange” was replaced with “the enterprise of the market and the rigour of competition”.

Tony Blair argued in defence of the changes, stating that socialism is “not about class, trades unions or capitalism versus socialism”.

The Red Flag, the musical equivalent of the old Clause IV, was also regarded by Mr Blair as an embarrassment, with its outdated reference to a flag dyed in the blood of “our martyred dead”.

Hugh Pender (HAS, June 15) offered the Red Flag as a reason for “true supporters” to “rally round”

the party now.

Can the die-hard supporters of Gordon Brown not open their eyes and see him for what he is?

Do they not realise their Labour Party no longer exists?

New Labour, its successor, has little in common with its roots as the party of the working man and “the left-out millions”.

They have more right to feel cheated, annoyed and angry than I do.

Des More, Darlington.