CHILDREN North East agrees with the recent Surviving not Thriving report by the Voluntary Organisations Network North East (Echo, May 20) highlighting the difficulties many charities face in the economic downturn.

As a local charity we are having to redouble efforts to raise funds. We are grateful for the many items donated, which we distribute to needy children, young people and families, and we have noticed that more companies are willing to support in kind through donations of product, services and time, but we have also seen a downturn in cash donations.

Children North East not only raises its own funds, but also obtains grants from local authorities and the NHS. Such services are safe for this year, but future funding is uncertain.

Local authority grants are holding up, but we are concerned that threatened cuts of government funds for public services will next year mean big cuts in grants to the voluntary sector.

We thank supporters for their generosity and ask them to continue to do all they can. Anyone wishing to make a donation to Children North East can contact us on 0191-256-2444 or email Jeremy Cripps, Chief Executive, Children North East, Newcastle.