WHILE on the subject of MPs’ allowances, how many of our “Honourable Members” not only have a second home, but second jobs – and at what pay and times devoted to these “little earners”

contrary to constituents’ needs?

I ask this as once again viewing The House, on May 18, there were nine members in the chamber. What the hell were the other 600 doing: “flipping”, wheeling and dodging?

R Harbron, Norton, Stockton.

WITH the revelations in the media about MPs’ expenses claims and the sudden repayments made back to government, would Joe Public get away with this?

Anyone else doing wrong would simply be investigated, charged and maybe put in prison. Should some MPs do time at Her Majesty’s Pleasure, and possibly for some considerable time?

Councillor John Shuttleworth, Weardale Division, Durham County Council.

ARE we seeing the beginning of the end for Gordon’s Gormless Greedy Gang? With this death of a thousands cuts they won’t last until next year and I can see an autumn election – and the end of New Labour. I have voted Labour all my life – but not this time.

Also, could anyone tell me if the floating ducks’ house was the ducks’ first or second residence?

Terence M Fineran Darlington.