FURTHER to Charlotte Bull’s comments about MEPs’ expenses (HAS, May 25) the MEP Statute ought to be a massive story. This is where the MEPs can choose to be paid in euros or sterling from this July.

If they accept to be paid in euros, then they effectively award themselves, with the reduced pound, a 20 per cent increase in salary, and I believe the paying of a special EU tax of about 15 per cent. I know, you couldn’t make it up.

Surely, given the mood of the country, the North-East MEP candidates should be publicly warned off in advance – or asked how they will choose to be paid come July before people vote in the European elections on June 4.

If candidates suggest they are going to award themselves a 20 per cent increase, then they probably don’t deserve a single vote, and those who would renege on such a question should be reminded of the public anger of this present period.

Yes, MEPs agreed this when the pound was higher and they may have ended up on equal pay or slightly less, but this is now, the world has changed and people are getting pretty angry with our representatives.

Jim Tague, Bishop Auckland.