HAVING read some of Christopher Wardell’s efforts in HAS recently, I am amazed to see that M Stainsby considers that he has a “brilliant sense of humour” (HAS, May 16).

His comments border on the fatuous, and I find his use of the word “dude” irritating. By way of contrast, the Cluff cartoon on Page 2, plus the Mike Amos Gadfly column are a real tonic.

The aliens, or the men in white coats, can come for Mr Wardell any time they like.

Brilliant sense of humour?

Don’t make me laugh.

Bill Callen, Richmond, North Yorkshire.

WHAT a funny character Mr Wardell is. Me and my friends at work eagerly search the HAS columns for his comments on current events or life in general.

Keep up the good work, Mr Wardell. You certainly make me chuckle.

Mark Walker, Darlington.

CHRISTOPHER Wardell describes himself as having no ego problem and as “quite a modest chap” (HAS2, May 14).

Why, then, does he think his fellow readers of The Northern Echo are interested in his views about every conceivable topic?

Susan Willis, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough.