EMOTIONAL pleas by posh totty may get the magnificent Gurkha soldiers more freedoms to settle in Britain, but beware – liberal-minded people of conscience would invite every needy, hard done-by person into our country.

Open the door wider for the Gurkhas and others will take advantage; this is not the immigration policy of a strong, decisive government.

Would these gentle, polite people adapt to booze culture, rude, angry, yobbish, rip-off Britain? Don’t they deserve something better?

Given a fair pension would they not be better off within their own culture? Do you think living on a sink estate, working as a security guard, is what they want?

By all means change the rules, treat these men fairly, but don’t do it on a wave of airy-fairy emotion. I have served alongside Gurkhas.

There needs to be clear thought put into this or we risk doing them a disservice.

Gerard Wild, Richmond, North Yorkshire.

I READ Sedgefield Labour MP Phil Wilson’s pathetic attempt at justifying his vote against allowing settlement rights for all brave Gurkha soldiers (Echo, May 12).

Last November, in Chilton, on Remembrance Sunday, I stood behind Mr Wilson at the service marking the town’s new war memorial and when the National Anthem was sung, he remained silent. Not very patriotic of our MP, so it came as no surprise when he stabbed the troops of Britain’s most loyal ally in the back.

He has shown himself to be a not very honourable MP. I note that no Sedgefield constituent has written to Hear All Sides in support of his views.

Can I also thank Pete Winstanley for pointing out to me that Gurkhas are not “overwhelmingly white” (HAS, May 14). Having just watched Carry on up the Khyber, this revelation truly amazed me.

J Moffatt, Chilton, Co Durham.

I WOULD like to convey my apologies to Gavin Hay (HAS2, May 14) and Stephen Shields (HAS, May 15) in respect of my comments (HAS, May 11) about actress Joanna Lumley’s campaign on behalf of Gurkha settlement rights.

I have since done my homework and understand how this is a major issue to her.

Please accept my apology, and I will do my homework in future.

JM Gowland, Heighington, near Darlington.