I WELCOME the first Hear All Sides contributions of Rose Teasdale and Philip Gatenby (HAS, Jan 1). I look forward to reading their letters and considering their views on current topics.

I find it a great pleasure to contribute to all discussions going on, and I find that the opportunities offered by local newspapers give me an opportunity to test my views in a forum of public opinion.

It is valuable, and it is not as restrictive as it can be; for instance, in a voluntary organisation where most people appear to have their minds made up about what they are doing and often are very resistant to change.

I would be happy to serve in the HAS Cabinet, for which you sought nominations in a footnote to Mr Gatenby’s letter, and offer my services as Minister without Portfolio.

It would give me the freedom to range over a wide selection of subjects and indicate the versatility I like to think I have.

Geoffrey Bulmer, Billingham.

RE Rose Teasdale’s criticism that Hear All Sides seems to have a hardcore of regular serial contributors (HAS, Jan 1).

I am a regular contributor and would say it is not a case of wanting to see our names in print, as your correspondent inferred, more that we wish to pass on our knowledge and experience.

In my case, I was a senior company manager involved with the largest retail companies before retirement, and have good experience in Middle Eastern matters having worked for the Saudi royal family.

A number of people your correspondent spoke about are ex-council members, have worked in local government or are professional business people who are well known in their own right and do not need their names in print.

My main objective is to get our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan and if this is unimportant to your correspondent, tough.

If she has no opinions of her own then she shouldn’t be critical of others who have.

JM Gowland, Heighington, near Darlington.