WHEN I read of the excuses given for the disposal of dogs – in your story headed “‘My dog doesn’t match my furniture’” about a report from the Dogs Trust charity (Echo, Dec 16) – words failed me.

In writing the above sentence I had originally used the word “reasons”, but I realised that this was entirely the wrong word since the people getting rid of a dog cannot have the power of reasoning.

If they had, they would know that dogs, for example, are not made on a production line.

All animals are not objects, but are living creatures with hearts with which to love unconditionally and minds to appreciate kindness (and pain) and ask for nothing more than to be loved.

Reading in the columns of the Echo how pets are abandoned and/or treated with the utmost cruelty makes me and, thank goodness, many others wonder what sort of world are we living in.

John W Antill, Darlington.