ALL too often glib comments are made on issues when, with background research, a different picture is painted. More significantly, actions taken in all kinds of organisations without that research lead to inefficiencies ranging from minor to catastrophic results.

Add in the natural disasters and the ever-changing nature of our world and we have a complex situation where there are no easy answers. The attempt at answers crosses the boundaries of countries - as the founders of the European Union noted.

It is therefore important that all sources of information are part of the rigorous debate of that organisation and that the outcomes apply to all EU countries.

It is through this co-operative working that we are able to have more influence in the wider world.

Situations change so should the approach to them. It does not mean that everyone will have the ability to take issues forward, but that there needs to be an appreciation that there are people who can.

It is important that those people who can ensure that the language used enables all to have a basic understanding. Most of our MEPs achieve this task.

Bill Morehead, Darlington.