EVEN though some may not realise it, the death penalty is still around in Britain today.

Unfortunately, it is not used for legitimate reasons, such as rape, murder and paedophilia, but is enforced for such "offences" as dissing (disrespecting) an individual who takes themselves too seriously, being in the wrong place at the wrong time or daring to be slightly different to the herd.

It is a regular occurrence to read about decent people being killed by an individual high on crack, in a drugs crossfire or about a child being interfered with by some paedophile beast.

These issues are very important, yet the Government doesn't seem to have the will to take on such savagery.

In crime hotspots where the police are obviously on the run I would deploy the Army to make decent citizens safe.

I would also eliminate murderers, rapists and paedophiles via an inexpensive length of rope as I think it obscene for such criminals to be kept in jail through the taxes of relatives of the victims they have harmed.

Gordon Brown should not resign because his party has been getting hammered in recent elections, but because it has not had the backbone to do what it takes to make Britain safe.

Trevor Agnew, Darlington.