PETE Winstanley asks how the BNP gets so much support in Sedgefield which he states is 99.4 per cent white (HAS, May 16).

I believe he is mistaken if he thinks that the BNP is a single issue party. We campaign on the offshoring of jobs, which is a blight to our region. We denounce Labour for its betrayal of the ordinary worker and its cosying up to big business.

The BNP is the only party that has the fortitude to address these issues honestly. That is why the BNP is now the main opposition to Labour here. Locals understand that only the BNP has a chance of kicking them out of office.

Jackie Walker, Spennymoor, Co Durham.

PETE Winstanley is right to point out that migrants are now leaving the UK (HAS, May 16).

It isn't due to anything done by our useless New Labour Government. In fact, it is because of the exchange rate between the Polish currency and our own.

We are fortunate it is now less viable for Poles to work here and send money back home.

It also shows that those leaving were only here to undercut wages and make a buck and had no interest in, or loyalty to, our land, and, of course, they will get a tax return on the money they made while they were here.

Ian Moore, Spennymoor, Co Durham.