READING the Teletext a few days ago, it told me someone was going to investigate allegations that a new breed of politicians is pursuing their own interests before those of the country and the British people.

Really? That's what they do. Isn't that why they become "politicians"?

Can it be that somebody has just noticed?

I wish I'd thought of becoming one. For the kind of money and perks they enjoy, I don't think I'd find it at all difficult to divest myself of any morals that I might be possessed of. I'm all right, Jack...

On another subject; a large helping of raisin pie to Ivor Wade for his contribution following the recent HAS correspondence on spelling and pronunciation, which was featured in Peter Barron's From The Editor's Chair column, "English - as she is spoke" (Echo, Sept 24).

I'll keep that to read again. I thoroughly enjoyed it, apart from the fact that it made me realise that I amn't as clever as I thought I are.


John Reynolds, Eldon, Co Durham.