MARK Anderson (HAS, Sept 19) should start thinking outside the box. New Labour is anything but left-wing. In fact, the three main parties no longer truly represent left, right or the centre of political ideology - they represent an ideology driven by power and greed.

The UK for which people were willing to fight and die was a democracy in which power came from the people. We now live in UK plc, where the democratic wishes of millions are subordinate to those of billion dollar corporations which own most of this country and contribute so well to the political parties.

This is why the three main parties sing from the same hymn sheet, why there will be no referendum over the EU, why there are problems over immigration, why we invaded Iraq and why our country is in such a mess.

But, because of the way we've been brought up to think, we only see these things in terms of leftwing, right-wing or centre, which are exploited to create divisions among the ordinary people where instead there should be unity.

CT Riley, Spennymoor, Co Durham.