I NEVER used to care for Boris Johnson but he has just shot up in my estimation.

I am referring, of course, to his comments about the Burka.

Burka-wearing is abhorrent in terms of British culture and basic beliefs.

It is fundamentally alien and repugnant to our way of life. It proclaims the inferiority and blatant degradation of women in Muslim culture (just think: polygamy, honour-killings and – one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever heard of – female genital mutilation).

In short, it should be banned forthwith, as it already has been in France, and that’s what we’d do here if we had the basic guts and integrity.

As for the Conservative Party hierarchy refusing to back Boris up – even condemning him – I have the utmost contempt for the whole two-faced hypocritical lot of them.

Tony Kelly, Crook