AFTER being employed at Thrislington Colliery and Mainsforth Colliery, in County Durham, I was transferred to Blackhall Colliery on December 11, 1968. Was there ever a better place to work than Blackhall? I doubt it.

I remember many miners I worked with at Blackhall. Eric Grand, Barry Chambers, Billy Bell to name but a few. Once met, never forgotten.

But if I had to pick a Blackhall miner to pay tribute to, it would be Tommy Fallow. He had the respect of many of his comrades underground, and socially he had the public's interest at heart.

Whenever I went to Blackhall, I would often see Tommy on a rooftop mending television aerials, cleaning guttering or repairing slates. I am sure he was a fireman prior to being a miner.

He became a member of Monk Hesleden Parish Council at the age of 25 and served his community for six decades before bowing out.

I note from your report (Echo, Aug 17) that Tommy is 85, and that a bench was unveiled at Blackhall in honour of his dedication. It must have been a pleasurable and emotional day for my old friend and his family.

Good luck, Tommy. Enjoy your retirement. I doubt if anyone can beat your tremendous achievement.

Jimmy Taylor, Coxhoe, Durham.