AM I the only one that gets fed up when old-fashioned pub-names get replaced, without rhyme or reason, by daft modern ones?

Thus the Colliery Inn in High Jobs Hill, is now “The Copper Mine.”

There’s never been a copper mine round here nor, I’m pretty sure anywhere else in the North of England.

So the change is not just pointless, it’s plain stupid.

Again, the Coach and Horses in Addison Street – a famous pub where actors at the old Crook theatre used to be put up – now that has two names, “The Fat Brewer” and “The Brewery Tap,” neither of which makes any sense, local or otherwise.

Still, both pubs remain going concerns, unlike a lot of well-loved local hostelries whose memory brings a tear to the eye, so that is something to be profoundly grateful for.

Tony Kelly, Crook