WHILE I can understand the sentiments of The Northern Echo's editorial team to respect every individual's right to free speech (Comment, July 17, regarding acceptance of a British National Party advertisement), perhaps in future they should also take the "Four Freedoms", of which Franklin D Roosevelt spoke of, into consideration before making such liberal platitudes to justify giving a platform to the most illiberal BNP.

Roosevelt spoke of these four freedoms in June 1941, prior to America's involvement in the Second World War, where nations of the world united to rid the earth of the fascists and Nazis in Germany.

The Four Freedoms - the freedom of religion, freedom of speech and expression, freedom from want and, most importantly in this case, freedom from fear.

The BNP is a party that preys upon people's fears - and creates fear among the hard-working, taxpaying, model citizens that are our ethnic minorities of this great country.

Perhaps The Northern Echo editorial team could take the "freedom from fear" into consideration before it gives any freedom of speech to hateful fascists.

Tom Blenkinsop, Saltburn.