LAST month, while in discussion with Turkish author Elif Shafak at the Edinburgh Book Festival Scotland’s First Minister and Scottish National Party member Nicola Sturgeon said she dislikes the name of her party.

It was good of her to be so frank and said that she found it uncomfortable to be known as a “nationalist.” Real patriots have known this for a long time and far from bringing decision-making into the hands of Scotland’s people she has promoted the aims of the EU with its laws and rules made not by a local parliament but by a foreign one.

Such politicians use and exploit feelings of love and devotion to one’s own country and people to obtain popularity but behind the scenes and rhetoric pursue a policy of globalisation and the “one world” idea.

The mass media, controlled by the unworkable one world idealists, do all they can to promote this internationalist idea, and that includes throwing up false prophets like Nicola Sturgeon and Jeremy Corbyn who turn out to be duff and you just get more trite slogans and daft ideas.

John Aspinall, Gateshead