THE National Trust has 4.2m members, and if you are one of them, I would like to bring to your attention an important vote which will take place at this year’s AGM in October.

Until now, licences have been issued to hunts enabling them to hunt foxes, stag and deer under the guise of “trail” hunting. But when no one is watching, they are free to inflict the most horrendous torment and suffering on these animals.

I have seen a hunted stag at the point of collapse, brought down by hounds then grabbed by the horns before being shot. It was sickening.

The only way to stop this is to stop all hunting on National Trust land. No tweaking of the rules and regulations will work.

No empty promises by hunters to change their ways. They will not.

It will be another three years before this matter could be voted on again so please, vote to stop this cruelty and use your vote.

Marjorie Embling, Durham