MAY I thank the organisers of the evening with Bryan Robson for Billingham Juniors on Friday, March 17.

I was invited as a special guest for the event and I want to thank chairman Lee Shackleton and his committee for making it a most memorable and special evening for myself and my guest.

I will always be grateful to Billingham Juniors. The club played a part in me receiving the MBE in 2015.

They have held various functions across the years and have often invited me to join them as a guest at their fundraising functions – these have included the two-time European Cup winning Nottingham Forest Captain John McGovern and other legends.

I have spent most of my life working for football league clubs, such as Newcastle United, Everton, Manchester United and Newcastle United, discovering young footballers who would go on and make their career in the game.

It was therefore nice to be invited back and to be asked to bring along my MBE from Buckingham Palace, the medal I was awarded from the Football Association for a lifetime achievement award, and the Eric Powell Trophy which these days raises funds for various charities via the North Riding Football Association.

The Bryan Robson evening was superb with the former Boro boss speaking for close on two-and-a-half hours, interviewed superbly by BBC Tees presenter Paul Gough It was wonderful to see the Swan Hotel in Billingham packed to the rafters as Bryan recalled those magical days at Middlesbrough – days that will probably never be bettered.

Also joining us for the evening was Middlesbrough youth scout Keith Noble who worked so well for Bryan during his time at the club discovering so much young football talent from Teesside Billingham Juniors Football Club also gained financially from this fantastic fundraiser and to receive such a welcome on stage with Bryan was very touching.

Here’s wishing Billingham Juniors continued success in the years ahead. The club is very well run and a real credit to junior football here in the Teesside area.

Eric Powell, Yarm.