UKIP supports Donald Trump’s anti-globalism policies and his promise to bring American firms back to the US. But relocating firms from China and Mexico won’t solve America’s unemployment problems.

It’s an overly simplistic answer which ignores factors such as the type of job, where firms relocate to, and the skills of the work force etc.

With millions of Americans unemployed, Trump’s “America First” policy will place firms under immense pressure to relocate back to the US. Not doing so means share holders risking negative reaction from a rightwing media and public for putting foreign workers and interests before Americans – thus affecting sales, share prices, etc.

Consequently, when faced with such pressure share holders will make American firms within the UK relocate back to the US, taking away investment and jobs here.

On numerous occasions Ukip leaders Nigel Farage and Paul Nuttall have both made clear their support for the privatisation of the NHS and cuts in benefits.

Should either Mr Farage or Mr Nuttall become Prime Minister, how will their supporters pay for medicines and private health care with their job seeker’s allowance?

CT Riley, Spennymoor