I FIND the comment by Geoff Gregg referring to teachers ( HAS, July 25) as “arrogant, toffee-nosed part-timers” very disturbing.

He obviously has no idea what he is talking about.

I have two relatives who are teachers and I know that their commitment to their profession in time and effort is second to none.

His comment about them being ‘ part-timers ‘ shows a complete ignorance of realism.

He needs to know that their job does not finish at the end of the school day and that much of the preparation work is carried out at home, very often into the early hours and very definitely during school holiday time.

My comments here are not based on two isolated cases as I have first-hand knowledge of most teachers showing the same commitment to their profession.

I would suggest that before writing any more comments like that, Mr Gregg needs to get his facts right.

BK Day, Darlington