I READ last week that Paris has banned the iconic Citroen 2CV from the city and all other vehicles made before 1997 over pollution fears.

Do they think banning a few old ‘upside down prams’ will make one iota of difference to the massive smog problems that now effects most of our large cities?

We just have too many people and far too many cars.

There are now some seven billion people in the world and quite a few of them have a car.

I live just outside Durham City which is almost a no go area for cars. Getting through the City is a nightmare and finding a car parking space quite difficult, yet there is a plan to build 9,000 new homes near to Durham.

I am sure that means another 18,000 vehicles at least.

My friend saw Chinese visitors in Durham City last week in face masks. A sign of the times maybe?

M Rolling, Durham