THE pro-EU brigade give dire warnings of the consequences of Britain leaving the EU. We have heard these predictions before and the world has not ended.

As one who wants Brexit, my wish is for Britain to continue trading with Germany, Italy, Poland, France et al and for them to trade with us.

What I don’t want is a Federal States of Europe run by unelected bureaucrats whose main task in life is to think up more and more regulations, one-size-fits-all across the board, bowing to the wants of big business.

I don’t want the waste of having two European parliament centres, an EU army, or police force. I don’t want the British parliament to have as little power as a parish council.

The idea of Britain having influence from within the EU is a joke.

We have seen how slowly the EU reacts to a crisis, be it financial or humanitarian, for example there have been 20 years’ of talks with no decision over the criminal waste of food that is fish discard.

EU trade, yes, rule no.

Graham Bull, Darlington