I AM in total agreement with John Cumberland’s view on the subject of lost voices in the coming referendum (HAS, May 25).

The BBC is completely biased in this matter. The “want to stays” get all the air time while those who want out are left muttering on the side lines.

Would this have anything to do with the £9m of taxpayers’ money that was put into the stay in campaign?

Well I am a taxpayer and I do not want my money spent in an undemocratic way. It is simply paying for scaremongering rhetoric.

We have no need to be scared of coming out. We are an intelligent people and do not need to be led by the hand by the likes of David Cameron and the admittedly scary Angela Merkel.

I cannot help but agree with Boris Johnson’s remarks about the similarity of Hitler’s methods to the EU.

I do not want to be associated with any super power and I am not scared of the prospect of us once again being our own masters.

So come on everyone, if you want to come out of Europe, make your voice heard, regardless of the scaremongers.

Patricia Aspinall, Crook.

CAN anybody out there honestly understand all this drivel that we hear about staying or leaving the EU?

Geoff Gregg, Tursdale