A FEW years ago I went to Teesside University and gained an MA in creating writing.

I enjoy going to local events such as The Black Light Engine Room, in Middlesbrough, and performing my poems. I am a member of Middlesbrough U3A (an organisation for retired people) and a few months ago I started a creative writing group.

We meet in the foyer of MIMA and maybe have a pot of tea and a chat as well as working on our writing. The group meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 2-4pm, and is free to Middlesbrough U3A members. We do all three free visits for new members to make up their minds before they join. The group is still quite small and I am keen to recruit more members. It is suitable for complete beginners.

Anyone who is interested can contact me on 01642-851139 or e-mail diane.taylor@gmail.com

Diane Taylor, Acklam