HAVING failed to wring any concessions out of the EU, David Cameron has resorted to the fear factor in advance of the forthcoming referendum.

He raises the spectre of Sangatte-style camps springing up in the south of England full of illegal immigrants with all of the attendant risks to surrounding towns and villages.

Of course, this is preposterous scaremongering of the very worse kind.

Having taken control of our borders post Brexit, we will be perfectly capable of ensuring that nobody enters the UK from abroad unless they have the right to do so. If we need to double the number of staff needed to secure entry points, we can use a fraction of the net £25 million a day we will be saving by leaving the EU to hire and train them.

This is only the start of a vicious campaign of terror that the Europhiles will employ in the absence of any positive reason to stay in the Brussels madhouse.

DW Lacey, Durham