OUR Father who art in heaven hallowed (meaning consecrated) be thy name… how dare cinemas ban this most holy of prayers from the very screens that show images of death and destruction in its worst form?

I have been brought up with this prayer and for some commercially-orientated organisation to take this stance is morally corrupt.

We are turning into a predominantly Christian society which dare not mention the Bible or God. Now even the Lords prayer cannot be recited in case it offends.

And pardon the pun but God forbid if you have the audacity to wear a crucifix.

Those Cinemas which refuse to show the Lord’s prayer have no qualms in filling your guts full of junk food and your head full of filth and gruesome horrific images.

We should vote with our feet and stay at home.

I would welcome some sacred Islamic reading taken from the Koran to be shown at cinemas alongside something from the Bible.

These are both Holy texts to those who believe and I am sure those who don’t would not mind.

John Cumberland, Rushyford