TONY KELLY accuses the BBC of sycophancy to the Muslims and it leaves me wondering what advantage it might gain from its approach to that religion.

It does employ commentators whose descriptions of royalty should earn them an honour but I fail to see how giving Islam a fair hearing is faintly an act of sycophancy.

Mr Kelly reads my letters and expresses disapproval of my record and attitude to to Islam.

To me it is water off a duck’s back.

When I worked there were those who sought to do the same and could have done me real harm. They did not succeed.

When I look back I don’t have searing regrets of my decisions, though not all have been right. I tell it as I have experienced it and don’t believe everything I read in the newspapers.

I suggest that if Mr Kelly examines all the facts he will come to realise he is prone to sweeping statements that do not provide validity to his arguments.

G Bulmer, Billingham.