THERE is a sense of dread about the forthcoming General Election.

Political loyalties and trust are breaking down. We urgently need to read manifestos online and not simply base our voting decisions on trivialities and spin.

Recent years have revealed how power is no longer where it should be, in parliament, but where the money is, in banks and multinational industries.

One year’s bonuses can outstrip what a successful professional individual can earn in a lifetime. However, the election is still one occasion when democratic power exists and has an impact.

The trick is voting for a party which gets the balance right.

Make life too difficult for this top one per cent and investment and jobs will desert this country as fast as you can press a mouse button, seriously reducing tax revenue and potential spending on health and welfare.

However, allow that one per cent to treat their workers and host country with contempt, with tax avoidance and promoting unfair laws in the EU commission, and we will continue back to the 18th Century.

Ask the young people of Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy and France how advantageous the ‘European Project’ has been for them.

Ukip gets the balance right, and tells the truth.

Charlotte Bull, Darlington.