THE media is preoccupied with events in the Middle East, especially the frightening military advances of Isis, but I would suggest that the more serious flashpoint, certainly as regards Europe, is the gathering storm in Ukraine.

I’ve followed the recent letters from Hugh Pender with great interest and I largely agree with his analysis that it is understandable for Russia to feel that its vital interests and even its territorial boundaries are under threat. One has only to imagine the US response should a similar crisis to develop in South America.

Indeed, one only has to recall events in Chile, Cuba, Venezuela, Panama, Nicaragua etc.

I would suggest that Western politicians tread with great care here, the Russian financial system may not stand comparison with more sophisticated economies but the Russians have, within living memory, proved themselves to be an implacable and highly resilient adversary.

Both Hitler and Napoleon found that it didn’t pay to harass the Russian Bear and this REALLY is a nation that does have weapons of mass destruction.

VJ Connor, Bishop Auckland