ONCE again the media circus has lined up against the Government in the row over the lack of prison places, ably assisted by judges pursuing their agenda of attacking the Home Secretary.

I highlight three much publicised cases:

1. A convicted paedophile deemed dangerous and, regardless of existing guidelines, was remanded on bail when prison appeared automatic. Why should a judge who is independent of government attribute his decision to John Reid?

2. Another less dangerous paedophile, not imprisoned, gave an interview on TV immediately after the case when anonymity would seem to be in his best interests. Once again, the independent judge brought Mr Reid's name to everyone's attention. Was this a set-up?

3. Finally, a News of the World journalist, not considered a danger to the public, received four months imprisonment for phone-tapping. Sorry, I forgot that Royalty was involved so room was probably found at the Tower.

We are left with the ludicrous situation of John Reid v John Deed. - Maurice Baker, Middlestone Moor, Spennymoor, Co Durham.

IT is understandable that parents are concerned about paedophiles being released rather than sent to jail. Many eminent doctors have said this perversion is incurable.

The worst offenders should, of course, be taken out of society, removing any threat to children, preferably for a very long time.

However, many confine their aberration to viewing distasteful images of children and they would probably only receive a relatively short sentence, and when they are released from prison, what do you do then?

This is a dilemma for society and I do not profess to have a solution, but the plight of Home Secretary John Reid is not to be envied.

The judges in the recent cases could have sent the accused to jail and they are being disingenuous when they blame Mr Reid. - Hugh Pender, Darlington.


RE the Government's casino plans announced on Tuesday. Let there be no doubt, gambling is a disease. After introducing similar super-casinos in the 1990s, Australia has now got the biggest number of problem gamblers per capita in the world.

New Labour's greed is allowing the gambling industry to extend its evil tentacles from offshore tax havens into the heart of our cities.

This corrupt and evil British Government has sold its principles for 30 pieces of silver (or the modern equivalent in tax revenues). And what moral justification has it put forward for this act of greed?

Regeneration? You only have to look at Atlantic City, in America, to see that the expected regeneration is a myth. And what idiot puts a super-casino (awarded to Manchester) in the centre of a deprived area blighted with gun-toting gangs?

To what end? How many former Labour ministers will become directors of gambling companies in the years to come?

As a society we should reject this evil in our midst and look to spend our hard-earned money on developing a sustainable and ethical economy, based on doing good, not fostering evil.

Selling principles for profit is not the way to a civilised society. - Leslie Rowe, Brompton-on-Swale, Richmond, North Yorkshire.


I WONDER how many drivers have any concern for the environment? From what I see when driving around, and particularly as I observe them driving along the B6299 past my house, there are very few.

Many go past accelerating hard in a low gear, only to slam on the brakes very shortly to negotiate a tight turn at the junction just up the way.

If, as I suspect, they drive like that all the time, they are wasting anything up to 20 per cent of their fuel, and saving no more than a few seconds per journey in the process.

Not only are their gaseous emissions much higher than they need to be, they generate a large amount of noise. Every 10mph increment in speed at least doubles the amount of noise from their vehicle. Many of them along that road are making more than four times more noise than if they obeyed the 40mph limit.

So, come on people. Perhaps, unlike some other roads, it's not unsafe to exceed the limit here, but it is bad for the environment, particularly the noise you make, and it's bad for your pocket (or your boss's). A little thought when driving can make a big difference. - Derek Thornton, Stanley Crook, Co Durham.


RE the letter from Dave Nicholls condemning hedgehogs (HAS, Jan 27). We are all here for a reason, so why this vitriolic onslaught on one of God's creatures?

I suggest you brush and comb your dog every day. I have to do this, as I have a dog with a long, thick coat. You will find they often catch things from the grass, etc, when out walking. I also periodically give her the once-over with flea powder.

Hedgehogs can be seen dead on many roads, one of the hazards in its life. When I was on the road I don't remember swerving to avoid them. In any case, much as I like them, it would be foolish in heavy traffic. - Mrs Maureen Brighten, Darlington.

IN response to Dave Nicholls (HAS, Jan 27), having looked after recuperating hedgehogs for more than two years, in an environment that also has pet rabbits, I can confirm that no fleas, ticks or parasites have been passed to any of our pets. I would make three suggestions to Mr Nicholls:

1. Regularly de-flea his own pets.

2. Check on infestation of other dogs who come into contact with his own.

3. Become more educated about the indigenous animals of our countryside. - Gary Dinsdale, Darlington.

I FEEL I must write in respect of Dave Nicholls' letter (HAS, Jan 27) about hedgehogs.

All animals, birds, insects and people are God's creatures and have the right to live on this earth. Mr Nicholls must be a very sad and lonely man not to appreciate this. - Doreen Turner, Thirsk, North Yorkshire.


THE people of the United Kingdom have had enough of mass immigration, rising taxes and British jobs being axed and sent overseas, and it is quite obvious that the Government is losing the support of this nation.

It appears people are leaving the Labour Party in droves, and even many of its staunch supporters have jumped ship due to the war in Iraq and the constant in-fighting.

I personally think things will get even worse once Gordon Brown takes charge, so maybe now we should recognise Downing Street as Drowning Street, as it looks as though the Labour Party will not be in power for that much longer. Praise the Lord. - Christopher Wardell, Darlington.


I NOTICED that the Holocaust was recently commemorated. We all know that the Jews were persecuted, but many people don't know that Romany, disabled, homosexual and black people also died at the hands of the Nazis.

As a black slave descendant, I wish to point out that 24,000 black people lived in Germany in the 1920s.

Many were oppressed, incarcerated, sterilised, medically experimented on, and brutally murdered. - Hyman Douglas, Darlington.