I WAS delighted to read of the efforts made by the housebuilder Persimmon to create jobs for former forces staff in their workforce, under the snappy scheme title of “Combat to Construction” (Echo Business, Nov 5).

This is just the sort of initiative we need to make sure that our veterans make as smooth a transition to “civvy street” as they can.

Ukip’s policy is to give priority to service veterans in employment areas such as border control, and, crucially, to make sure that they are at the top of the list when it comes to provision of decent housing. Judging by the article, housing that some of them may actually be building themselves.

I have just one niggle. Persimmon’s chief executive, Jeff Fairburn, said: “We remain keen to invest in high quality land to support the growth of the business.”

I suspect this is marketing speak for building on greenfield sites, rather than developing brownfield land. With another builder unveiling plans to general dismay in Kirklevington this week, we must remain absolutely vigilant against councils ruining our towns and villages by allowing unwanted greenfield developments when there are other alternatives.

Ted Strike, Ukip Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Stockton South, Ingleby Barwick