HAVING spent all my working life in the motor trade, I am writing regarding the best kept secret of the year: the abolishment of the tax disc on October 1.

We’ve had a system for 80 years that has worked very well with a tax disc in the window of your car to show police, traffic wardens and even a reminder to the owner that the car is legally taxed. So some bright spark at the DVLA has decided that they will save millions with the introduction of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR).

This will mean thousands of cameras set up at various points to catch the dodgers. This is undoubtedly going to be the biggest disaster that will make the poll tax introduction look efficient.

The criminals and tax dodgers will have a field day as there will be misread number plates, there will be rural areas without any ANPR, what will happen to foreign visitors... The list goes on and on.

Another disturbing part of this is that DVLA will process a lot of data received and sell this information on to companies, so that we will receive more nuisance calls and correspondence.

I hope someone at the DVLA will put their name to this farcical scheme and in a couple of years when the system is in turmoil and losing millions they will be held to task.

But finally, what I will really miss is trying to tear the disc from the perforations without making an absolute mess... Something I haven’t mastered in 40 years.

Eric Schofield, Crook.