I ENJOY reading of the experiences and diverse opinions of Hear All Sides contributors. I don’t always understand what they are getting at, nor do I always agree. Even so, the letters are usually interesting.

I am, however, bored with Pete Winstanley versus Kevin McStravick versus V. J. Connor, who use the forum for a nit-picking ego trip. This merely encourages the weak-minded to support one side or the other rather than express their own view.

Although it is annoying when someone misinterprets your intentions, or in editing a letter, a salient point seems to be missed, it isn’t worth carrying on a feud over.

Whilst on my soap-box, may I point out that you ask for letters to be accompanied by the scribe’s address yet allow Chris Foote- Wood to refer to himself as Prospective Lib Dem Candidate for Richmond, Darlington.

Gerard Wild. Richmond.