I CANNOT believe there is so much opposition from certain residents to Stockton council trying to bring children in care back to the area in which they were born (Echo, June 13).

Just what have these people got against the children, who are in care for a variety of reasons but mainly through no fault of their own? These are children not hardened criminals – have any of the protestors bothered to get information about them?

Do these residents prefer to spend millions of rate payers’ money with other councils for the children to be looked after elsewhere, or is it out of sight and out of mind and not in my back yard?

Can they not walk in their shoes just for a little while?

I would like to remind those so called upstanding citizens, who are protesting against the conversions of properties in Hartburn and Stillington into children’s homes, that these children are our future and the least we can do is give them a chance.

If that involves giving them a good place to live while they are in care, should you not be proud to be part of that?

Are we not supposed to be caring people in the North-East unlike a lot of areas across this country?

After all, these kids could be there for the protestors when they can no longer look after themselves.

Spread a little care and you may get some back.

Mary Rowntree, Durham.