ATTACK against defence: it’s going to be one of the most ferocious battles in years and it all kicks off this summer.

No, it’s not the Three Lions competing in the World Cup, it’s the Three Stooges David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg preparing the ground to bag your vote come the 2015 General Election.

All three party leaders have hired global gurus to help their cause, as none of them can conjure up a single decent policy of their own.

Prime Minister David Cameron (Conservatives) has seen his approval ratings go down. So it was inevitable he would go down under to beef up his campaign.

He has hired a guy called Lynton Crosby, an Australian guru who wants Mr Cameron to “scrape the barnacles off the hull”.

But he must be scraping the bottom of the barrel if he thinks he can undo the damage Mr Cameron has caused to this country.

An Aussie guru he may be, The Wizard of Oz he ain’t.

Elsewhere, Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg is working alongside former South African MP Ryan Coetzee. The Lib Dem party currently hold 57 seats, yet Mr Clegg said he would be content to win 40.

The Deputy Prime Minister must be having a laugh.

Either that, or he’s been hit with a severe dose of sunstroke on his fact-finding mission to South Africa.

Labour leader Ed Miliband is working alongside Barack Obama’s advisor David Axelrod.

Whether the UK can cope with the American flag-waving approach to electioneering remains to be seen, but Mr Miliband is planning to mount a tough election strategy online.

I imagine the Tories and Lib Dems will also follow suit.

May I suggest they all plan their online election campaign using the aptly named Twitter?

Stephen Dixon, Redcar