SOMETIMES, I feel like screaming at the media headlines when I see what is considered important and what isn’t.

No election is simply about tactless jokes by party members nor malicious gossip.

Having a good leader does matter but an election’s importance should be about what each party actually plans to do and how it will spend our money as shown in its manifesto.

At the general and local elections, these manifestos should be available in libraries, but can be found on line and we can also use our judgement on a ruling party’s record of achievements. Bear in mind, however, that much that appears to be government policy can be obedience to the EU government.

However, manifestos are totally irrelevant at European elections.

If you believe that the EU will change its structure to please David Cameron and revert to a common market, vote Conservative.

If you don’t care whether Britain declines under a bureaucratic dictatorship vote Labour or Liberal.

If you have an ounce of common sense, and want Britain to thrive globally once more under a democracy, vote Ukip.

Charlotte Bull, Darlington Ukip

AHEAD of next month’s European elections, I think it is worth pointing out that only the Green Party and Ukip favour an immediate referendum on our continued membership of the EU.

The Tories want a referendum, but in three years time, and only if they are re-elected as the Government. Labour don’t want a referendum at all. How very different from the days of Michael Foot and Barbara Castle.

Your readers should follow their hearts on May 22 and I am sure they will.

I urge everyone to show their displeasure at the current establishment political parties, by voting for someone else.

Nigel Boddy, Darlington