THE difference between CT Riley (HAS, Feb 22) and me is that he clearly does not believe the Bible; while I do.

So, as to whether God judges by natural means, Bible accounts show He undoubtedly does.

There are many instances where God has judged by plague, hail, pestilence, deluge and fire and brimstone – as in the exodus, Noah’s flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Why should He not then judge our nation in a similar way? He remains the same God today as in the past. Is it an injustice that God should judge our nation when we have generally turned our back on him and defiantly redefined His laws?

God will not be pleased to see the desecration of his Sabbath day, the legalisation of sodomy, and the murder of innocent infants in the womb, with nearly eight million victims in the UK since the Abortion Act of 1967? If our nation repents, then God will be pleased to forgive – but if not, then we can expect even worse things to come.

Colin G Farquhar, Durham.