THE resignation of Tommy Robinson, Kevin Carroll and other leading members of the English Defence League (EDL), is a vindication for Unite Against Fascism (UAF).

EDL street mobilisations began to lose momentum following the massive demonstration in Tower Hamlets, in September, 2011, attended by more than 5,000 people By uniting a broad range of communities in opposition to the EDL we prevented it from even entering the borough.

This had a decisive impact on the EDL.

Prior to this the EDL were mobilising thousands on the streets. After the defeat in Tower Hamlets they could barely mobilise 500 people.

UAF mounted a national campaign under the slogan “Don’t let the racists divide us”

and it worked.

The campaign against the EDL goes on and UAF will continue to oppose all fascist groups on the streets and at the ballot box J Hall, Sunderland.