JENNY SYKES from Darlington criticised my letter about boy bands (HAS, Oct 7).

She claimed my opinion was irrelevant, which I though was a bit harsh.

I know that One Direction are for teenage girls, and not for the likes of me, but I can’t see for the life of me what fans see in them.

I just compared them to other boy bands and I stand by my claim that they are not as good as groups from the past.

I was a teenager in the 1960s and grew up listening to great bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Hollies, The Kinks and The Who.

Now they were pop groups – not the rubbish we have today.

Had One Direction had the misfortune to be around in the 1960s they would have been christened No Direction.

Mick Peacock, Coxhoe.