PETER MULLEN in his article about terrorism (Echo, Oct 1) persuades me that he is not Islamophobic, but he is more prone to identify terroristic actions with Muslims rather than other groups who have carried out these sort of activities.

Terrorism is a word to describe actions against states by the states themselves. The Nazis described what we called resistance movements within occupied Europe as terrorists.

Reverend Mullen likes to depict himself as someone not afraid to be described as politically incorrect. He thinks of efforts to get Muslims on side as being inclined to appease.

He thinks that the ideal Conservative leaders were Winston Churchill or Margaret Thatcher but I remember Churchill saying that jaw, jaw was better than war, war. I am far from being an admirer of Mr Cameron, because I am a socialist, but I think that I am not as condemnatory of the man as some Tories.

G Bulmer, Billingham.