DAVID CAMERON is absolutely correct in his efforts to redefine our relationship within the EU.

He wishes, in effect, to rewind the clock back to the scenario that voters believed they were deciding on in the 1975 referendum. He wants to pursue our membership of a single European market allied to an acceptance of the bare disciplines to make this work.

Crucially, he does not wish the UK to participate in a deeper European union. Gordon Brown may go down as one of the worst Prime Ministers of all time, but he deserves the nation’s gratitude for his refusal to join the Euro. Had we done so our currency would now be disastrously overvalued.

As for the accusations that the UK wishes to cherry pick, then this exactly how Germany and France have always utilized their EU membership.

In a speech at the World Economic Forum, the German chancellor Angela Merkel spelt out exactly what lies in store for those states that opt for greater EU integration.

She insisted that it’s vital to drive down labour costs and that the current levels of unemployment is the price to be paid in order to compete.

The social unrest in southern Europe can only get worse.

VJ Connor, Bishop Auckland.