SURELY David Cameron deserves the accolade for being the worst prime minister of the past hundred years.

He faces some stiff opposition. Let’s start at the beginning: David Lloyd George governed by bribery. Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain were appeasers of Adolf Hitler and their foreign policy was one of the main causes of the Second World War.

Clement Attlee was, as Winston Churchill said, “a modest man with much to be modest about”.

Anthony Eden lacked guts. Harold Macmillan made his reputation by selling out to the Americans and giving away what was left of the empire. I can’t think of much to say about Sir Alec Douglas Home, except that he was thoroughly decent – which must count as an insult in today’s debauched political climate.

Edward Heath was a liar who took us into the Common Market on false pretences, insisting, when he knew otherwise, that our entry would result in no diminution of national sovereignty.

Jim Callaghan caved in to the fascist Left which was the 1970s trades unions – the ones who turned our cities into cess pits through piles of uncollected rubbish and who left corpses unburied for weeks on end.

Margaret Thatcher did a few good things, such as stuffing Arthur Scargill. But even she did not extend individual liberties as far as she might have done. And she took us into the disastrous exchange rate mechanism, that precursor of the euro.

John Major was only minor. But he was so intellectually warped that he excoriated the only real Tories in his government, calling them “bastards” – they were the good men and true who wanted to resist any further capitulation to the satanic EU. Moreover Mr Major fancied Edwina Currie which must show some lack of aesthetic judgement.

Tony Blair was a fantasist. “Weapons of mass destruction” – where?

Gordon Brown was a socialist demagogue who sold off our gold reserves at the bottom of the market and employed a further 800,000 civil servants – box-tickers. It was his spending and borrowing that landed us in the economic mess we now inhabit.

So, Dave, you face some stiff opposition if you really wish to carry off the trophy for the most disastrous prime minister of the past hundred years. But, all things considered, I do think you deserve the prize.

You are the perfect nothing and nowhere man. You stand for nothing and therefore you are nothing.

Let me give you two examples from the last week. You said we will not give up the Falklands, because “the wishes of the islanders are paramount”. Wrong from the start.

Churchill would have said: “We will not give up the Falklands, because they are our territory.”

Then, Dave, you said that something must be done to reduce the bloated culture of welfarism “because this makes hard-working taxpayers hugely resentful”.

Whereas an honest man would have said that the bloated culture of welfarism is an evil in itself and so should be abolished for that reason alone.

Cameron the nothing and nowhere man.

What is he? He is quite simply a PR man. A self-publicist. A man who doesn’t think the difference between appearance and reality is important – because, in the end, he doesn’t think that reality matters all that much.

Dave has only one doctrine in his political philosophy: that one can, in fact, fool all of the people all of the time.