Desperate Housewives finale double bill (C4): THERE'S nothing like a cliff-hanger to end a series with - and two is a bonus, but three!?

Pure TV heaven. And so we are left to wonder, for the next few months at least, just what it is the mysterious Orson is so keen to hide, that can be worth mowing down Mike for?

Then, only minutes after the hit-and-run, Orson charms his way into Bree's house, a woman who has always been likeably neurotic, but has this series been teetering dangerously close to the edge. Just what will happen behind closed doors?

Poor Bree has fallen in with some distinctly dodgy characters this series - murderer George, and the sex and drink addict, to name but two - but could Orson be her third and final dating mistake?

And what of Mike, cruelly left injured as he clutched the engagement ring he was about to give to Susan? Will he survive and continue the 'will-they won't-they' saga that has gone on for so long?

Only time will tell, or, most probably, the DVD box sets that are already available.

But while some questions were left unanswered, others were solved.

Although poor Caleb has been imprisoned by the state - and then by his mother in the basement of their home - and regarded as a madman murderer, it was in fact his brother Matthew who was unmasked as the killer of a young girl in Chicago.

Matthew is one person who won't make it to series three, after being shot dead by armed police as he held a gun to Bree's head. Or will he? You can never be certain.

And Lynette's worst fears were thankfully not realised when husband Tom was found not to be having an affair - but to be hiding a secret daughter after a one-night stand 11 years ago. I sense quite a lot of mileage in the storyline where the daughter and her slightly-mad mother move to the street next to Wisteria Lane.

But one husband who was found to be playing away was Carlos, with the Japanese maid who is carrying their surrogate baby, no less. You couldn't help but feel for Gabrielle, despite her own affair with the gorgeous gardener, but it was the maid who was kept by the wronged wife's side, and Carlos who was shown the door. Expect Gabby's revenge to be sweet.

And, at last, we got to see Mary Alice in action - instead of just as narrator - as the days gone by in Wisteria Lane were re-lived, where funnily enough, all of the wives looked exactly the same, apart from one brief encounter between Susan and a very dodgy poodle perm.

But what of Mary Alice's son Zach, who switched off his grandfather's life support machine and is set to inherit his millions? And of her former husband, left to rot in prison? And of Susan's ex-husband Carl. Will he try to win back his ex - again - or make a go of things with Edie?

Yet more for the next series. I can't wait.